About the EHRA / ESC | Atrial Fibrillation Matters

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About the EHRA / ESC

About afibmatters.org website

The afibmatters.org website has been developed under the direction of the European Heart Rhythm Association of the European Society of Cardiology (EHRA of the ESC). The aim of the website is to provide clear and reliable information and practical advice to people with atrial fibrillation, their families and caregivers. By improving knowledge and understanding of atrial fibrillation we hope that people living with the condition will be able to manage their health more effectively so that they can live longer and more active lives.

The information and advice contained on this website are designed to supplement the support and care you receive from your doctor or other healthcare provider. It is in no way a replacement for this care.

If you have any comments or feedback about the website please contact us.

About the European Heart Rhythm Association

European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) is a branch of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). It was officially launched in 2003 and has a membership of over 2000 cardiologists and other professionals.

EHRA’s mission is to improve the quality of life and reduce sudden cardiac death by limiting the impact of heart rhythm disturbances.

For more information on the EHRA visit the official Web Site of the ESC.

About the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)

The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) represents over 95,000 cardiology professionals, principally from across Europe and the Mediterranean basin, but also from the rest of the world. Its mission is to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease.

The ESC achieves this through a variety of scientific and educational activities including the coordination of clinical practice guidelines, education courses and initiatives, pan-European surveys on specific disease areas and the ESC Congress, the largest annual medical meeting in Europe.

For more information on the ESC visit the official Web Site of the ESC.

Useful Tools

ESC Atrial Fibrillation Guidelines – explained for patients


Preparing for a catheter ablation checklist


AF diagnosis and follow-up checklist


Preparing for your first consultation with a physician checklist


Find my specialist

Learn more

Click to print these tools to help you prepare for your appointments

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